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Answers with Tag: beloved prophet

What were Prophet Muhammad’s clothes and is it forbidden to wear western clothing?

Is it a sunnah for women to put mendhi on their hands and feet for reward?

How can I trust my husband after he was chatting with another girl before our marriage?

Should I change my name from AbdulMunaf due to its association with a pre-Islamic idol?

Are kissing thumbs hadeeths authentic according to Hanafi scholars and can we follow them?

Why do women in Madina and Makkah wear jeans and tops despite it being impermissible in Islam?

What is the difference between Bralveys and Sunnis who follow the four imams?

Is Chicken Cottage 100% halal?

Is alcohol in bread and drinks like coke halal according to Islamic teachings?

What is the Deoband response to the claim about Allah’s power and is it okay to say certain phrases?

I have come across Muslims who try and justify that we are permitted to eat the meat of the Jews/Christians, as is, e.g. McDonalds, supermarkets etc on the basis of the opinion given by Yusuf Al- Qaradawi. They say that, it is perfectly allowed to eat the animal slaughtered by a Christian or a Jew, regardless of the method used in slaughtering. On this basis, they consider meat sold in western supermarkets and other places to be perfectly Halal. It should be noted that at a conference of the Muslim Arab Youth Association (MAYA) in the U.S. a few years ago, where Sheikh Qaradawi is a regular speaker, he became exasperated upon being asked this question. He has encouraged, in the North American context, where Muslim businesses are present that Muslims buy from these stores as opposed to purchasing from the supermarket.

Female Islamic Dress-Code

The Fiqh of Adopting a Child

Some major signs of Qiyamah.

Group Dhikr and recitation of Salat wa Salam.