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Answers with Tag: beloved prophet

Marriage without the first wife’s consent and doing Nikah with the same wife twice

Good Manners in Islam

Giving salam according to the sunnah on a text message

What is the proper method of visiting graveyards and is it an act of virtue?

How is keeping beard a sunnah when the Jews have beards as well?

Is Beating Someone Permissible When Defending One’s Honor or as a Religious Admonishment?

English Mutawatir Hadith Compilations and Researching the Hadiths of Gibril and Kingship

Presentation of the Deeds of the Living to the Deceased and Martyrs and their Ranks

Hypoglycemia and Ramadan

Is It a Sunna to Wear a Turban?

Should I Maintain Ties With Family Who Openly Sin or Shun Them?

Misgivings Regarding Apostasy and How to Deal with Them

The Issue of Halal Meat (A Detailed Article)

How to Respond When Women Feel Unwelcome in the Mosque

Should I Maintain the Ties of a Difficult Friendship?