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Answers with Tag: Arabic language

Can non-Arabic speakers pray in their own language?

Seeking Black Magic Cure from a Hindu Guru

Is Allah Everywhere or is He on His Throne?

The Ruling on Prawns in the Hanafi School

Music and Singing – A Detailed Article

Using of Amulets (ta’wizes).

Calling a scholar Mawlana

Tasbeehaat in rukū, sujūd etc

Clarification on the age of Aishah Radhiyallāhu Anhā at the time of marriage

Questions regarding Salāt al-Dhuhā

What are the meanings of these names?

Are Muslims allowed to read an English copy of the Quran without Wudhu?

I am a muslim boy (16) who is becoming more strict as my family is not that strict. I want to follow more of Islam. Theres a question i would want to ask. Can i read the Qu’ran in english? or must it only be in Arabic. As i am still learning Arabic. Thanks

I still feel confused about this because you gave examples of imam shafi’i’s and imam Abu hanifa’s teaching about bleeding and wudu. Why is it that we have to follow a single imam?

Why does it seem like in todays time, the Gham you come from holds holds more importance, as in certain castes believe they better ? hence they would not allow a nikah ? ( Kufu or Kafa’at)