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Answers with Tag: Alcohol

Alcoholic Perfumes and Shampoos

Eating and Ordering Takeaway from Liquor-Selling Restaurants: Ocean Basket Example

Smoking marijuana and taking recreational drugs

Burying a non-muslim

Dispelling the “Weed is like Coffee” Myth: Educating Youth on its Intoxicating Effects.

Will the wudhu break through using an alcohol pad before taking insulin?

Using creams containing alcohol

Working as a cashier in a supermarket

Alcohol and Islam: Forgiveness, Rules, and Repentance

Selling lipstick that contains alcohol

Alcohol and Drugs in Islam: Understanding the Limits for Socializing and Energy Boosting

Working in the accounts department of a company that sells alcohol

Taubah after drug abuse

Using cosmetics which contain alcohol

Husband selling haraam items