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Answers with Tag: Adultery

Abortion due to pregnancy resulting from fornication

Fleeing Zina: Different Rules for Different Situations

What do today’s Muslims need and what does Islam have to offer?

Not Praying: Major Sin or Nullifier of Islam?

Intimate, affectionate interaction among spouses, is it permissible in public?

I have been accused of adultery by my sister in-law and mother in-law…    

Music and Singing: A Detailed Fatwa

What is the religion’s ruling concerning a woman leading men in prayer?

Made Mistakes With Brother in College

The legal penalty for fornication

I was surfing the net and found a website for gay (homosexual) Muslims. They claimed that the Quran says nothing about homosexuality being a sin, nor does it say anything about having sex outside marriage. They claim that the word adultery refers to a free, married woman having intercourse with someone else than her husband. I am quite confused about what they are claiming!

The Rules of Backbiting

Imam Nawawi: The Garden of Gnostics: Sincerity (Ikhlas) and Having a Conscious Intention in all

Importance of keeping good company… friend leading to alcohol and then fornication

Reasons For Allah’s Displeasure & The Remedy