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Answers with Tag: Adornment

Is using facebook permissible?

I would like to know if a womens voice is purdah? If so what is your view of females broadcasting on radio? Is this permissible?

What is the sunnah method of marriage and what rituals should be abstained from? Also, how should I reply to people who say JazakAllah?

Is it allowed for a Muslim woman to date a non-Muslim man?

Im an individual who is curious about how things are not working out at all after dedicating my life fully to religion. before we had any religious enlightment, i can say that we were completely fine and happy. my dad had a steady job, my mom was more social with her ..

Recently the Sheikh Tantawi, the most senior Sheikh in Jamiatul Azhar – Egypt, declared that Niqab (face veil) has no part in deen and that it is only a culture. The sheikh has also called in for a ban of niqab in the Egyptian Female Institutes. Could you please give us some background on Niqab. Does it really have no basis in Sharia as the Sheikhul Azhar claims?

Should Hijaab be enforced upon women or should it be a matter of choice,something that comes from within. If its not in my heart should I still do it or leave it out?

Is it permissible for two friends along with their spouses to go eating out together and to sit at one table across one another while partaking of the meal, that is both the men along with both the women all at one table?

It is permissible for a women to wear Kohl in public? Is it also permissible for her to wear little foundation to clear any blemishes on her face when she goes out in public?

I am a revert to islam and i really dont know where i would stand with this problem and after re-verting i realised the problem of muslim women having there hair done ( salons)…

My question is about whether it is permissible to work for a financial institution’s IT (Information Technology) department. I work as a team to support the systems that run financial applications similar to a bank

My question was why do women have to cover themselves up (in burkha and niqab) and not men? I was looking for an answer to tell nonmuslims.

I am software engineer and I also do some freelance work. I have got a project offer regarding broadcasting and scheduling video files for cable TV service provider. With help of

1. What is the correct way of doing istikhara?… 2.In which finger should the bride and the bridegroom wear the wedding ring according to Shariah? Is it Left hand or right?

Are women allow to go mosque in this days