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What are the secrets to success in calling to Allah?

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

What are the secrets to success in calling to Allah?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The secret to success in calling to Allah lies in several matters:

1. Being realized in one’s sincerity to Allah

The highest of these is being realized in one’s sincerity to Allah. This entails one should always aspire to call to Allah, in all one’s affairs, for calling to Allah emanates from fulfilling the command of Allah and wishing well for the creation of Allah.

Thus, one does not have this aspiration on a part-time basis alone, as the one who is enthusiastic around respected people or large crowds—seeking recognition thereby, perhaps—and lacking this enthusiasm when around common people.

2. Gaining knowledge

The one calling to Allah needs to acquire sufficient knowledge of what they are calling others to. Otherwise, they could be calling people to misguidance, while heedless and unaware of this fact.

3. Acting on one’s knowledge

One must act on what one knows of the good, and on what one calls others to. This has a tremendous effect on those one is calling.

4. Knowing the people

The one calling to Allah needs to be well-aware of the situations, states, habits and customs of those being addressed. This is because there are different ways to address different people, as evident to those experienced.

Thus, way of calling to Allah in the context of Arab countries differs from that in the West; calling the person on the street differs from calling a sophisticated or highly educated person; calling a non-Muslim differs from calling a Muslim; and so on.

5. Proper focus

One has to focus one’s attention to the things most important in the particular circumstances of those one is calling to Allah.

Thus, one’s focus with a non-Muslim should be one of the essential bases of Islamic faith and practice, the ethical values of Islam, and an explanation of the impact of these on the individual and society. One should keep away from direct attacks on the beliefs and understandings of non-Muslims, lest the devil of religious [or cultural] staunchness overcome them and they cease to listen.

The one calling to Allah should know that it is enough to present the essential bases of our religion, in a correct manner, in order to make those addressed aware of the tremendousness of the Guidance of Allah, without going into the censure of others.

It befits a new Muslim that they be taught the basics of worship and dealings, and be given beneficial encouragement or exhortation that increases them in faith and in solid adherence to the religion. A new Muslim is not introduced to the legal or scholarly differences that exist on some issues, nor to the critiques of those who have enmity to Islam, for this leads to confusing them, except when they are the ones who ask, in which case one answers what they asked about.

6. Give Glad tidings

The one calling to Allah has to pay attention to convey the Mercy of Allah and His Gentleness (lutf) towards creation, and what He has prepared for them of honor in this life and the next, more than their conveying of the Anger of Allah towards disbelievers who reject faith and the like. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Give glad tidings and do not turn people away. Make things easy, and do not make them difficult.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

7. Everything is in the Hands of Allah

The one calling to Allah should also know that everything is in the Hands of Allah, so they should not be hasty in seeking the fruits of their calling to Allah, after having perfected the previously mentioned points.

Every matter has a time apportioned for it, and the Wisdom of Allah is indeed vast. And Allah is the One who gives success in seeking the truth.

Amjad Rasheed

(Translated by Faraz Rabbani)

السؤال : ما هو سرُّ النجاح في الدعوة إلى الله ؟ الجواب : سرُّ نجاح الدعوة إلى الله أمور ؛ أعلاها تحقيقُ الإخلاص لله تعالى ، بأن تكون الهمةُ للدعوة موجودةً في جميع الأحوال لأنها نابعة من امتثال أمر الله والشفقة على خلقه ، فلا يظهر الداعيةُ همته في حال دون آخر كأن ينشط لها عند كبراء الناس وكثرة الجمهور لتحصيل الشهرة ويقصر فيها عند عوام الناس . والأمر الآخر : تحصيلُ الداعية للعلم الكافي فيما يدعو إليه ، وإلا فقد يكون داعيةً إلى ضلالة وهو غافلٌ لا يدري . والأمر الثالث : العملُ بما يعلم من الخير وبما يدعو الناس إليه ، وهذا له أعظم الأثر في نفس المدعوين . الأمر الرابع : أن يكون للداعية إحاطةٌ بظروف المدعويين وأحوالهم وعاداتهم ، إذ لكل قومٍ طريقةٌ في الدعوة لا تخفى على الممارسين لها فالخطابُ الدعوي في الواقع العربي غير الغربي ، وللعامي غير المثقف ، وللكافر غير المؤمن ، وهكذا . الأمر الخامس : الاعتناءُ بمهمات الأمور بما يتناسب مع حال المدعو ، فالكافر يليق به التعريفُ بأركان الإيمان والإسلام والنظام الأخلاقي له مع إظهار أثر ذلك على واقع الفرد والمجتمع ، مع البعد عن الطعن المباشر في عقائد غير المسلمين ؛ لئلا يغلب المدعو شيطانُ العصبية لدينه فيُعْرِض عن السماع ، وليعلم الداعيةُ أنَّ عرضَ أصول ديننا فقط على وجهٍ صحيحٍ كافيةٌ في تعريف السامعين عظمةَ شرع الله من غير حاجة لذم غيره . وحديثُ العهد بالإسلام يليق به تعليمُ مبادئ العبادات والمعاملات مع الوعظِ النافعِ الذي يزيد من اعتقاده وثباته على الدين ، ولا يُخاض معه في الخلاف الفقهي وغيره الواقع في بعض المسائل ، ولا الكلام في طعون الحاقدين على الإسلام فإنَّ هذا يشوش عليه ، إلا إن سأل هو عن ذلك فيجاب عما سأل . وليعتن الداعيةُ بإظهار رحمة الله لخلقه ولطفه بهم وما يعده لهم من إكرام في الدنيا والآخرة أكثرَ من اعتنائه بإظهار غضبه سبحانه على الكافرين ونحو ذلك ؛ ففي الحديث :” بشروا ولا تنفروا ، ويسروا ولا تعسروا “. وليعلم الداعي أنَّ الأمورَ كلَّها بيد الله فلا يستعجل ثمرة دعوته إن أتقن ما سبق فلكل أجل كتاب وحكمة الله واسعة ، والله الموفق للصواب .  

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