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Accepting and giving gifts to non Muslims during the Christmas Festival

Abstaining from paying of credit card loans through deception

Abortion of babies with genetic diseases

A specific Hurmat Musaharah Case

A scholar being alone with a sister in a room

A Question on inheritance

A question on divorce.

A question on divorce

A person who is required to do sajdah sahwe breaks his wudhu after reading Attahiyat

A Person is reading salah on the chair where should he place the chair

A person is healthy, but is unable to fast for 60 days continuously does he have the option to feed instead

A person has an erection in Salah

A person did not pray eid salah because he did not know which day eid was according to the moon. What should he do?

A person finds the last part of the khutbah

A nurse exposing her arms during her work in the hospital?