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Ruling for a woman who wishes not to fast due to breastfeeding…

It is permissible to use eye drops whilst fasting

My sister’s husband passed away recently. It was so sudden

Is I’tikaf Sunnah or Sunnah Muakadah

Is sewing and knitting a Sunnah of the Prophets

Is it permissible to make salaam to somebody when they are eating

Is it Sunnat to pray the last two Nafl of Isha Salaah sitting down

Is it Halaal to eat Pillsbury products which contains confectioners glaze and shellac.

Is it permissable to make Dua in sajdah during Salaat

Can I break my fast if I become ill…

Is accepting gifts during Eid allowed

Is it Sunnah to Drink water after having meals

Is one allowed to perform Sunnah whilst the Jumuah Khutbah is in progress

If a womens menstruation cycle had begun whilst fasting

I have recently met a female who is married for the last 4 years