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Can you please clarify the following verse in Surah al- Mulk?

Please check out the information provided, and let me know if it could be viewed as ‘gambling’?

Who brought the throne to Sulaiman (Alayhi al- Salam).Was it a Jinn or a human being?

Is there any Hadeeth proving the wife’s right to live in a separate home?

Is it permissible to marry the daughter of my cousin who was breastfed by my grandmother in addition to myself?


My husband drinks at night, how do I solve this problem?

How did Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) pass away and did Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) have a foster sister?

My question refers to food offered or in some instances given to us by the company we work for. Every so often HR will give each employee in the company sweets or chocolates which on occasions contain animal gelatin which is not halaal suitable. Seeing that we as muslims cannot consume the food items what can we do with it? can we give it to non-muslim people? or throw it away? if throwing it away is the answer, will then it not be classified as wasting?

Can you advise me on studying Shariah Law?

Can more than one Aqeeqah be performed?

Can you provide clarity on shooting stars mentioned in the Qur’an?

Is it permissible to use the special benefits of a sim card?

What effect does the numbering system have?

Is it permissible to put family photographs inside our homes?