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Zakat Questions: Resetting Start Date, Miscalculations, and Debt Deduction

Zakat on Gold of Different Carats

Years of Past Due Zakat, and Zakat on Non-Selling or Damaged Trade Goods

Working for Valet Company that Parks Cars for a Casino

Working for a Company Providing IT Solutions in Un-Islamic Markets

Why is Caffeine Not Haram?

Which Parent Has a Greater Right to Obedience Within the Home?

When Would Believing in a Fortuneteller Constitute Disbelief?

When Should Children Start Praying?

What’s the Difference Between Being ‘Ma`sum’ and ‘Mahfuz’?

What Takes a Person Out of the Fold of Islam?

What Should I Do If I Lost My Wudu While Leading Others In Prayer and I Neglected to Inform Them?

What Role Should the Intellect Play When Seeking God?

What is the Wisdom Behind Doing Certain Hajj and Umrah Rituals 7 Times?

What is the Ruling on Using Solid Intoxicants as Flavor Ingredients in Foods?