A friend told me of some hadith which says that every muslim women must be taken to EID prayer and if one doesnt have a cloth to cover her then she must share the cloth of another woman and go for EID prayers.Is this hadith sahih and every women must got for EID prayers.2)After marriage is it permissible to change a girls name so that to add her husband name to hers.If not, kindly give proof from some hadith.3)Does a husband earn all bas ed on his wives fate(naseeb).Is there any hadith supporting this beleif.
1. The hadith in reference is authentic. It is quoted in Bukhari. However,
it is not necessary for a female to go to the Eid Prayer as Eid Salaah is
not compulsory upon her.
2. It is not necessary for a female to change her name to her husband’s name
after marriage.
3. The question is unclear. Kindly elaborate.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai