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Monthly Archives: July 2012

Suicide is haram in islam,i m very well aware of that.But my question is,if a person is striving hard and hard to become one of the people closer and dearest…

This year again we had a disputed Eid in Europe. My question is what should be done is such a situation.

I swear to Allah i didnt wanted to give her divorce. but when i went to get the divorce paper the guy in the office told me to sign so i sign. but i wasnt signing the papers as if i was giving divorce i swear

Recently I heard that it is permissable to wear a 100% silk tie because the tie is not worn like a shirt is worn?

Can he do Hajj for my maternal grandfather, who had passed away few yrs back without being able to do Hajj ?

I would like to know what is the ruling regarding Trade Unions where you pay a regular fee for the Trade Unions’ support and backing in work related issues?

Can you please tell me the hadith which states the reward of applying a sunnut of rasulluah(S.A.W) E.G SITTING ON tHE FLOOR.E.T.C

Mufti sahib are you Hanafi?

Mother and family have the last name of Sayyed and claim that they are descendants of Prophet Muhammad, to believe this or not? And then supposing it is true, what happens when you have given zakat money to them?

Use of paint brushes made from pig hair is not allowed. What would be the position of people who had pirchased these brushes before the notice

Can we keep the name Ubaid or it necessarily has to be Ubaidullah only ?

Will nikah Declare invalid if some one keep relation of sex with sister-in -law

Can you saggest me any of qualitative objective book which,ll enable me to know about those standards through which we say a hadith is preferable or more trustable

I was very confused about the answer can you please comment – Whoever masturbates by hand for fear of falling into zina or for fear of physical harm, there is no sin on him

Is it specifically permissible to use contraception because one wants to spend some quality time with his wife