Home » Shafi’i Fiqh (Page 159)

Answers indexed from: Shafi’i Fiqh

Islamic Ruling on Giving Zakah to Married Sister

Is it Permissible to Pay Zakah to Help in Marriage Expenses?

Is he Obliged to Offer an Oath Expiation since only Part of it was Fulfilled?

Impact of Conflict between Spouses on the Upbringing of Children

Ghusl is Obligatory whether the Discharged Amount of Semen was Big or Small

Adding the Word “Sayedena/Our Master” when Sending Blessings upon the Prophet during Tashahud

Using Religious Statements for Promotion Purposes is Impermissible

Ruling on Taking the Legal Interest

Parents are Obliged to be Just when Gifting Children

What is the ruling of Sharia on taking stud fees for a stallion?

Combining two Prayers in Places of Prayer is Permissible with Conditions

The Larger the Congregation, the Greater the Reward

Is the Hadith that the Prayer of the one who Drinks Wine isn`t Accepted for Forty Days Authentic?

Does Reciting Surat “Al-Mulk” Protect one from the Punishment of the Grave?

An Employee should Refrain from Backbiting and Malicious Gossip