Home » Shafi'i Fiqh » Darul Iftaa Jordan (Page 4)

Answers indexed from: Darul Iftaa Jordan

It is Unlawful to Circulate Frightening Videos, even Jokingly

Alcohol Use Controls in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Would you please clarify the manner of funeral prayer?

Renting or Renting out one`s Academic Certificate isn`t Permissible

Doing Ruqyia with Words of Remembrance or Words that don`t Contradict Shariah is Acceptable

What is the manner for shrouding the deceased?

What is the ruling of Sharia on autopsy?

Using an Acid in Medical Supplies

Ruling on Paying Salary to Non-Working Partner from Company`s Profits

Ruling on Counting the Tasbih on both Hands

Ruling on Depending on Mobile Applications to Determine Prayer Times

It is Permissible to Pay Zakah to Indebted Son with Conditions

Which Parent is more Entitled to be Obeyed in the Event of Contradiction?

Ruling on Using Abbreviations of Invoking Blessings upon the Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon him)

Ruling on Delay Penalties Charged on Pension Fund Participants