Home » Shafi'i Fiqh » Darul Iftaa Jordan (Page 139)

Answers indexed from: Darul Iftaa Jordan

What is the ruling on performing Umrah after the latest expansion of the Mas`aa(the passage between As-Safa and Al-Marwah), is it permissible, or not?

What is the expiation for using perfumed soap while being in a state of Ihram(ritual consecration) for Umrah(after making the intent for Ihram)?

Is it permissible for a woman to have her underwear on while performing Umrah?

What is the ruling on making up for missed fasting after the second half of Sha`ban(the month before Ramadhaan)?

Is it permissible for a woman to uncover her face while performing Umrah(minor Hajj)?

A woman used contraceptive pills, and her menses exceeded(15) days, is it permissible for her to fast?

Is it permissible for a woman who is in her confinement to fast upon seeing blood signs that are neither black, nor red ?

What should a woman who is in a state of menstruation, or confinement do if she became ritually pure during the day of Ramadhaan ?

Who is required to fast?

Are minors(persons under the age of puberty) obliged to fast?

Is it permissible to delay menses by using medication in order to fast Ramadhaan?

Is it permissible to single out Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays to make up for missed fasting without fasting a day before ,or after each ?

What is the ruling on a person who broke the fast of one day in Ramadhaan because of hardship ?

What is the ruling on a person who isn`t able to fast due to old age, or an incurable disease ?

What should a woman who delayed making up for missed fast, due to menstruation, till the start of the next Ramadhaan ?