Home » Shafi'i Fiqh » Darul Iftaa Jordan (Page 13)

Answers indexed from: Darul Iftaa Jordan

Sins and their Means of Forgiveness

What is the ruling of Sharia on timeshare contract?

Ruling when a Woman Recites Quran in the Presence of Non-Mahram Men

When my child asks me where is Allah, what answer should I give?

It is Recommended to Send Blessings upon the Prophet (PBUH)

Ruling on Distributing Sweets at Places where Condolences are Offered

Sale with option to Repurchase is Invalid

No Difference between Appointed Term and Term Appointed to be Fulfilled

Ruling when the Area between a Woman`s Neck and Lower Chin is Uncovered

Conditions of a Sacrifice Offered in Fulfillment of a Vow

Ruling on Letters of Guarantee and Taking a Commission for them

Ruling on Appointing a Commercial Bank as Intermediary in Buying and Selling Sukuk

A Form of Sale Practiced by some Car Traders

Ruling on Constructing Concrete Pavements in a Graveyard

Ruling on Congratulating the People of the Book on their Festivals and Celebrations