Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Muftisays.com (Page 70)

Answers indexed from: Muftisays.com

Can a husband see his deceased wife or perform ghusl on her?

Do all Muslims have a separate paradise?

Hanafi follower at Shafi’i-led funeral prayer for non-local deceased?

Is it valid for Hanafi ulama to allow jama bayna salaatein due to security concerns on planes?

Can a group of brothers make a second jamat in a masjid if the main jamat is over?

Can women pray janazah behind the imam?

Can IVF be done after 10 years of trying to conceive naturally?

Is J2O Orange by Britvic halal?

Is the court marriage with someone else acceptable in Islamic and Sharyiat point of view?

Can women talk to non-Itikaaf individuals and play with babies during Itikaaf?

Can a woman do i’tikaaf at home if unsure about starting her period?

What are the positive and negative signs after istikhaara?

What is the correct method and sequence of istinja and istibra according to sunnah?

What is the procedure for performing istikhara and what are the benefits of Salaatut-Tasbeeh?

What should we do if his family wants to break our engagement after a negative istikhara result?