Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Muftionline.co.za (Page 669)

Answers indexed from: Muftionline.co.za

Purchasing bone meal

Halal or Haram: Investing in the Stock Market?

Permissibility of Prize Bonds in Islam: A Quranic and Sunnah Perspective

Omitting the sunnat-e-muakkadah of zuhr

Reciting the Quraan Majeed while the azaan is being called out

Beard Care in Islam: Rules and Restrictions

Is it Safe for a 3-Year-Old to Sleep Between Asr and Maghrib?

Parindo ki tasweer banaana

Settling debts and funeral expenses before winding up the estate

Kissing the black stone

Authenticity of “Ahad Naama”

Gender change operation

Dealing with Anger Issues: Tips for a 17-Year-Old Who Swore at Their Uncle

How to save oneself from fitnahs

How to come out of interest