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Answers indexed from: AskOurImam.com

What is the Islamic verdict of voting in national elections? Will a person leave the fold of Islam by laughing at any aspects of Islam?

Is it permissible to watch video lectures of Ulama?

Can the predeceased or the children of the predeceased inherit from the deceased grandparents? And should the Wasiyyah be executed?

Are video games such as, in particular, God of War 3 permissible in Islam?

Is it permissible to benefit from the profits of a house built from borrowed money known to be haram?

What are the rulings pertaining to Waqf?

Did the souls encounter other souls and Allah before being born?

Is it permissible to work and buy things from a Shia-owned company?

Is it permissible to travel to an office further away to make extra money?

Can beardless child trim his moustache?

What can I do and pray so that the situation of the baby in the womb does not deteriorate?

Will the unpaid tax represent debt when I have tried my best to inform the authorities but they have failed to take my tax?

Provide some advice on the dilemma between loyalty to parents and conviction in faith

How late can Asr congregation be observed at?

It is permissible to wear a Tawiz? How do we perform Sajda Sahw after completing Salah?