Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Arij Canada » Is ghusal required, if a fluid is discharged from my private part every time I have sexual thoughts or when I see some sexual things, during early stage of sexual arousal?

Is ghusal required, if a fluid is discharged from my private part every time I have sexual thoughts or when I see some sexual things, during early stage of sexual arousal?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Arij Canada

A fluid is discharged from my private part every time I have sexual thoughts or when I see some sexual things, during early stage of sexual arousal. There is a tingling sensation in my private part due to arousal when it is discharged, but there is clearly no sexual pleasure or orgasm and excitement remains and I am not satisfied after it is discharged. Does it require ghusl? If it requires ghusl and I have to make ghusl whenever I have sexual thoughts or during kissing, hugging etc, it would make life difficult since I would have to do countless number of ghusl in one day. I follow the Hanafi school of thought.


As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu

We acknowledge receipt of your query regarding the discharge of fluid whist being in a state of arousal. Our answer is as follows:

There are three types of fluids other then urine that emit from the private organ of male, mani known as sperm, madi a thin, clear fluid discharged when being aroused and wadi, a thick, murky white fluid that comes out before or after urinating. (Maraaqil Falah pg 41)

The fluid being discharged in the scenario mentioned by you, is madi which does not necessitate ghusl, however it does require wudhu. (ibid pg 36)

As a precautionary note, madi is amongst the major forms of impurity. Hence, it will be wajib i.e. necessary to wash the fluid that comes on to the body or clothes once exiting the private organ if it equivalent to the size of a silver coin (approximately 3-5 cm in diameter) and one will be sinful if he performs Salaat whilst it is on his body or clothes. If it is less then this amount, then it is preferable to wash it and perform Salaat. (Umdatul Fiqh vol 1, pg. 316, Durrul Mukhtar vol 1 pg. 316)


Muhammad Z Panchbhaya

This Q&A was collected from the official web portal of Academy of Research in Islamic Jurisprudence (Arij) from Canada, which was headed by Mufti Ibrahim Kureshi and Mufti Zakariyya Panchbhaya. As the original website is no longer accessible, we have provided a source link of each answer to the archive copy from Way Back Machine.

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