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Answers with Tag: tawaf

Performing waajibut tawaaf out of the haram or in one’s home country

Angels making tawaaf around the throne of Allah Ta’ala

Appointing someone to pelt jamarat

Performing tawaaf on the second and third level

Continuing the tawaaf after salaah

Breaking one’s wudhu during tawaaf

When should one perform tawaaful widaa?

Performing tawaaf on the ground floor

Does touching a non-mahram break wudhu?

Experiencing discharge while making tawaaf

Entering the haram in the state of haidh

Isaale-Thawab to multiple people?

I’m not sure if my Tawaf-e-Ziyarah was accepted

Do I have to perform Sa’ee immediately after Tawaf?

2 Rakat prayer after tawaf during Umrah. It is wajib Nafil or sunnat?