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Haram hats and the nature of legal rulings…

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Ilyas Patel

Recently I went into a mosque with a brimmed hat from the Kangol Company and the Imam who was there told me not to wear it and especially not to pray with it because the Muslims in Turkey were forced to wear this hat against their will by the Kafirs. The Turkish Shaiks, thereafter, declared this hat haram (fatwa). From what I know, a Muslim is obliged to follow Qu’ran, Sunnah and Ijma. But do I have to also follow such a fatwa that was said such a long time ago and was possibly politically motivated. What is politically incorrect today might be politically correct tomorrow. This fatwa was given before one hundred years! It would be highly appreciated if this question can be answered.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

In the name of Allah, the inspirer of truth

You are allowed to wear such a hat.

The fatwa of impermissibility may have been based upon the time and situation in which the fatwa was given. However, in general, one should consider wearing a hat which the pious and righteous people wear in every time and era.

And Allah knows best

Ilyas Patel

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