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Answers with Tag: rakaat

Reciting Aaytul Kursi in the first rakaat and a surah in the second rakaat

Women reading Taraweeh in jamaat

Reciting Surah Naas in the first rakaat of a four rakaat salaah

Mistakenly standing for the third rakaat in a two rakaat salaah

Standing in the first rakaat and sitting in the other rakaats of salaah

When do the restrictions of ihraam start?

Forgetting to sit after 2 rakaats in nafl salaah

Performing sajdah sahw after making a mistake in salaah

Reciting tasbeeh in sajdah an odd number of times

Musaafir performing salaah behind an imaam who is not a musaafir

Forgetting to read qunoot in witr

Sunnat Muakkadah of Jumuah Salaah

3 Makrooh Actions in Salaah: Shorter Surah, Skipping Surah, Wrong Order

Making sajdah sahw after realizing one’s mistake in salaah

Planning what surahs to recite in salaah