Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
I was recently asked by a friend if it is permissible to follow along in taraweeh prayers with an English translation (without actually reciting from it or anything). This person does not understand Arabic and tunes out during prayers, loses concentration, if she does not follow along with a translation. She can however figure out what verse the imam stops at and then begins at from her little Arabic.

Allah Most High says,
?????? ???????? ?????? ??? ???????
And He is with you, wherever you are. [Quran, 57.4]
Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah,
I pray that you are well and in the best of health and spirits.
We see clearly in the example of the Beloved Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) that people are considered according to their level of understanding and knowledge. Those who understand and know should act accordinglythis is what basic piety entails. As for those who dont, they are left to act within the wide parameters of the Sacred Law, and encouraged in positive and meaningful ways to increase in understanding.
Your friend
Thus, if your friend is new to things, it may be best to just let her beif she wants to read from a copy of the Quran, let her. It is the position of the Shafii school that this is permitted. Their understanding of the issue has been explained, in the Shafii fiqh archives.
In the Hanafi school, holding a Quran and reading along from it is considered to be excessive action, which invalidates the prayer and must therefore be avoided. They based this on a wide range of primary texts, including the general instruction in the Quran and Sunna to remain still and attentive in prayer, and to avoid unnecessary actions or movements.
What should one do behind the imam, if one cant recite or follow along?
The scholars explain that one should bring to mind the Tremendousness and Majesty of Allah, the fact that one is standing before ones Lord, and the reality that, He is with you, wherever you are. One should direct ones heart towards Allah in yearning, love, and thankfulness. One should feel a sense of reverent awe that one is hearing the Word of Allah being recitedwhen the imam is reciting, it is in fact Allahs address to all creation.
One should feel the joy of slavehood to Allahin it lies all meaningful and lasting joy. One should strive for the spiritual excellence (ihsan) that the Beloved Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) explained as being, To worship Allah as though you see Him, and if you see Him not to know that He sees you. [Related by Bukhari and Muslim]
An excellent book to read is Imam Ghazalis Inner Dimensions of Islamic Worship:
Related answers on include:
How to deal with hardness of heart
Presence of heart in prayer
How do I increase in presence of heart in prayer?
And Allah alone gives success.
Faraz Rabbani