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Answers with Tag: Zakaat

Giving zakaat to people who do not possess nisaab

Going to the toilet with a notebook that has the name of Allah Ta’ala

Zakaat on three tola gold

Profits from a bank account

Zakaat on JSE Shares: Property, Merchandise, Gas and Oil.

Accepting zakaat to pay off a debt

Using zakaat money to pay for bumping someone’s car

Mother getting upset when daughter gives charity to a needy relative

Accepting the invitation of a person who is a recipient of zakaat

Zakaat for 25 tola gold

Zakaat on Unconstructed Plots in India: My Dilemma as an Expat in Saudi Arabia

Supporting poor women with zakaat money

Zakaat on a retirement fund

Giving zakaat to a person in debt

3 Types of Loans Available for Employees: Understanding Zakaat Calculation