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Answers with Tag: Zakaat

Paying Zakaat in advance and passing away before Zakaat becomes due

Payment a person’s debt with Zakaat

Making up for missed (Qadha) Qurbani

Is Zakaat payable on lost jewelry for previous years after it is found? 

Is Zakaat payable on stolen goods? 

Is Zakaat still payable on stock after it had been Zakaatable and subsequently stolen? 

Is Zakaat compulsory upon the heirs on jewelry which was locked up by the deceased in a Vault?

Is Zakaat payable on lost and stolen wealth? 

Is it permissible for a Muslim student to make use of a Zakaat based bursary fund to fund their university studies? 

Is it compulsory (Waajib) for a person to make Qurbani if she/he has debts, for e.g credit card debts and over draft payments?

If the deceased gave someone his Zakaat to discharge but passed away before it was discharged, what must be done with the money? 

If I take a vow to sacrifice an animal when my father recovers from his illness, can I partake of its meat?

If I gave Zakaat to a person who was not a recipient of Zakaat, is my Zakaat discharged?

Can a representative of Zakaat discharge the Zakaat given to him at his own discretion? 

Can a person build a house and give it as Zakaat to a Zakaat recipient?