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Answers with Tag: Wife

Is it Permissible for a Wife to Cover her Hajj Expenses from Husband`s Estate before its Division?

I have divorced my wife after a heated debate, what should I do?

Is it True that a Sahabi Told his Wife: “You are Divorced Until a Certain Point in Time.”

Is it permissible for the wife to give the Zakah(obligatory charity) of her money to her poor husband?

What should the man, whose wife wasn`t on good terms with his mother, do?

Does the wife have the right to stop her husband from visiting some of his relatives because their meetings involve religious violations?

What is the ruling on a woman shaking hands with the brothers of her husband`s father, and not putting on Islamic wear before them?

Is it incumbent on a husband to pay the alimony of his wife if she had left him and stayed at her parent`s without his permission?

What is the Islamic ruling on adoption, and what is the legal window through which a person can be kind to an orphan girl, attend to her needs and raise her as his own?

Is a wife considered sinful if she asked for divorce because her husband married another woman?

Is a wife considered divorced if her husband refused to go to bed with her(for sexual intercourse) for two months?

Is it permissible for a husband to stop his wife from visiting her family?

Is it permissible for a wife to refuse to go to bed with her husband (for sexual intercourse)?

Is it permissible for a wife to give her money to her family as a charity, or a gift without asking her husband, or seeking his consent ?

Is it incumbent on the fiancée to obey her fiancé?