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Answers with Tag: united kingdom

What are the differences between the Ash’aris and Maturidis?

To what extent can a rabbul maal interfere in the affairs of the mudharib?

Purchasing an item with discount after deceiving the retailer

Is it sinful for me to keep the money loaned to me by the banks due to money taken from me by the state?

Is it permissible to wear nail polish?

Is it permissible to use interest money to pay my security company?

Is it permissible to shower with one’s spouse?

Can I sell cigarettes?

Is it permissible for a graphics designer to take images of the Ka’bah and the green dome?

Is it permissible to consume elephant meat?

Is it permissible to act as an agent in the following scenarios?

Is it permissible for a school to charge detention fees?

Is it permissible for me to seek compensation and be paid from an insurance company?

Is it my fault?

Is it allowed for a lady to keep the name Muhammeda?