Home » Posts tagged 'sunnah' (Page 40)

Answers with Tag: sunnah

Selling musical instruments

Worldly duas in salah

Should fingers be spread or circled in Tashahud

Duas in certain books not being established from hadith

Eating watermelon with dates

Exchanging gifts on 10th of Muharram

How should a pregnant woman perform Taraweeh Salaah?

Throwing dates after Nikaah

Can one accept gifts on the day of Walimah and Aqeeqah

When should the Sunnah of Dhur be read?

Can one recite other Arabic duas in Tashahhud

Qadha Salaah for Taraweeh

Walima before consummating the marriage

Is Sadaqalluhu al-‘Azeem Bid’ah?

Paying back a debt with an extra amount