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Answers with Tag: semen

When does sperm release occur?

Is it compulsory to perform ghusl after waking up in the morning if you feel tired and fatigued?

Do washed/paak clothes stay paak if mixed with napaak clothes or touched after janabat/hambistari?

Ghusl needed if clothed private parts touch while sleeping and hugging?

How can I act Islamically to waswasah of not bearing children & find a pious partner & offspring?

I get doubts of najasa staying stuck to my legs after ghusl

Is sucking testicles of the husband Makruh

Would Salah be valid if the clothes had semen on

If some drops of semen are found in madhi liquid

Washing Clothes In The Washing Machine

Ruling on wadi.

Female Ejaculation and Ritual Bath

Mixing Impure and Pure Clothes in the Laundry

Doubts Regarding Urine Droplets

Can I Perform Namaz After Semen Leakage During Intimacy?