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Answers with Tag: schools of thought

Can u clarify the length of the beard?…evidence you gave in Answer 9687 regarding the verdicts on the Miqdar (length) of the beard

Know more Hanafi general masail than Shafi’ee. But somehow I still want to follow Shafi’ee, I dont know what to do and follow. Please advise

Mcdonals,taco bell,etc.Is the nonzabiha food haram?I heard only hanafi fiqh says it is but people say that all 4 madhabs say it is haram.Can you give me proof from all 4 madhabs saying its haram?

Please tell me soemthing about Muhadditheen and also about Sheiks during the times of four Imaams.

Is it not fard to establish khilafah, yet all the classical scholars said it was.

In continuation of question 7930, people perform masah over their socks, it is very common in Saudi Arabia, How can we avoid.

1) There have been a few shiekhs in the UK, who have said that it is permissible to rob and steal from non-muslims

What is ‘Wajib’? I understand an act of worship from the time of Prophet Muhammad (S) can either be ‘Fard’ (obligatory – punishment for not performing it) or ‘Nafl’ (extra credit – no accountability)

Unclear answer from last time

Are there any true Mujtahids these days?

Would 12:00 noon be regarded as Mid-Day throughout the year? If “zawal” is referred to MidDay, would it always occur at 12:00 noon throughout the year?

Is it a sunnah or bidah to shake hands, after the completion of fardh salaat?

How gender specific were the manuals of Hanafi fiqh (specifically those utilized during Ottoman times) in terms of property rights?

Taqleed, Ijtihad & Madahabs: quotes and how to respond to Salafis.

Why do people say they follow different schools of thought in prayer and should we follow them?