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Answers with Tag: sajda

Dua in Sajdah

Qiyamul Layl

Dua in Sajdah

Dua in Sajdah

Is it better for the one who can stand but cannot perform sajdah to pray sitting or standing?

I would like to know if u miss a sajdah in the Taraweeh Salaat, do we have to repeat the 2 Rakaats?

Kissing the hands while doing Istilaam from distance

Making sounds in Salaah due to pain

Sajdah Tilawat: How Many and How to Perform?

Reciting the dua in jalsa before placing one’s hands on one’s thighs

Reciting Surah Mulk and Surah Sajda after Maghrib

Mistakenly reciting the dua of Janaazah Salaah in the posture of jalsa

Remaining silent for the duration of three Subhaanallahs in Salaah

Joining the heels in sajdah

Dragging the palms when going into sajdah