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Answers with Tag: Sadaqah

Cooking special food for Muharram & Rabiul Awwal

Can We Do Quran Khatams (in Groups) for a Deceased Person (Isaale Sawaab) or is it Bidah?

Is it Sunnat to fast on 12 Rabiul awwal?

Qayloola and Charity

A fathers request to make a bequest on his behalf

Buying looted or stolen items

Claiming more hours than actually worked and the Income from it

Please suggest what is the best way of doing sadqah for someone who is ill?

What is sadaqah jariya and if it’s a sin for me to give away my books?

Working for Uber Eats or Other Food Delivery Services

Machine Slaughtered Chicken

Kaffara for breaking oath

Pork related work

Insurance for Masjid

Minor and Major Sins