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Answers with Tag: Ramadan

Injection/Dentist while fasting

Zakat on inheritance

Do these actions break the fast?

Should I perform Hajj ut Tamattu’ or Hajj ul Ifrad?

Should I follow 18 degrees or the 3am suhoor time?

Refusing to have physical contact with my spouse while fasting out of fear for releasing Madhi.

Does a wet dream invalidate the fast?

Seeing the Ka’abah in the dream

Is it mandatory for a breastfeeding woman to fast in Ramadan?

I didn’t make qadha of the fast of Ramadhan for 5 years. Do I have to fast double?

Fasting whilst undergoing dialysis treatment

Question regarding menses & Waswasa during Ramadan.

Can I enter Makkah without entering in to the state of Ihraam fearing my menstruation commencing?

Is zakat compulsory upon a person who is disabled and receives money from the government?

Omitting Taraweeh in congregation for Tasbeeh.