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Answers with Tag: Qurbani

Is Islam a religion of peace?

Can Saee of Tawaf-e-Ziyarat be performed on the 5th or 6th of Zil Haj before going to Mina on the 8th of Zil Haj?

How is Khurbani animal sacrificed according to halal and haram?

Can cutting be done after sighting of moon for Eid ul-Zoha?

Suggest a name for our girl that’s rewarding & pleasing to Allah for qurbani?

How should a person divide their first Qurbani offering?

Can I take a Hissa in Bakara id for my Bank Loan?

Can we take the Quran as a partner in the Qurbani? Please give some guidance.

What more should we do to remedy our mistake of unknowingly committing acts not permitted in ihram?

Is Zakat and Qurbani wazib for me and my family?

Is Islamic practice allowed with urine present?

Is it permissible to do Qurbani for their mother with the collected money?

Is Qurbani wajib for those who are not present at the time of hajj?

What does my dream of a goat being given to me for qurbani mean?

Kya qurbani ki khaal madarse ko free camp lagwane wali kameti ke liye de sakte hai?