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Answers with Tag: Quran

Respecting the Ka’bah/The Haram

Jahannam for those who are ostentatious and are not sincere

The virtue of listening attentively to Quran

Seven Generations being saved from misguidance

Istighfar (seeking forgiveness) ensures safety from punishment

Were ‘Uzayr and Shith (‘alayhimus salam) prophets?

Trading after Jumu’ah Salah

The best deeds of Islam according to Ibn Mas’ud (radiyallahu ‘anhu)

Explanation of words in a narration in Sahih Muslim

‘Say Muslim, not Mumin’

The ruling of Israely (historical) narrations

Sha’ban is a month to recite Quran in abundance

Sa’d ibn ‘Ubayd (radiyallahu ‘anhu), Al Qari

No Sahabi (radiyallahu’anhum) ever forged a Hadith!

Translation of one part of a narration regarding the sequence of the Surahs of the Quran