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Answers with Tag: qaza

Is it necessary to complete the iddah period if it means missing a job opportunity?

What is the ruling for fasting while traveling during Ramadan?

Can my sister get a khula without court?

Has the lady’s divorce been completed?

Should I make Qasr or Qaza salah if I travel 200km for work & return same day?

How many years of Qaza Salah must I perform & how should I do it?

Can I recite Surahs in Salah out of order and make Qada for missed Salaats due to urine dripping?

How can I get rid of Satan’s influence and find peace?

When can a woman take khulla, and what happens if the man does not agree to give khulla or talaq?

Where can we pray on a plane?

Is my status valid if my husband said “triple talaq” to me?

What does Islam say about women fasting during their menstrual cycles?

Do we need to make Qaza for salah prayed in wrong direction?

Can sunnat namaz be performed immediately after farz namaz in the armed forces when duty hours end at 1430 hours?

How can I do Namaz and Zikr with full concentration and on time?