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Answers with Tag: prostration

How Do I Do The Prostration of Forgetfulness If I Already Recited Tashahhud?

What Justifies Praying Seated on a Plane or Train?

Can I Perform Voluntary Prayers Sitting While Only Using Head Movements?

If I accidentally recited SubhanAllah instead of reciting the Fatiha right away must I perform the prostrations of forgetfulness?

What is the ruling of a person who says twice salam to finish the prayer then due to doubts goes to make the prostrations of forgetfulness?

Is it permissible to make du’a during prostration, between the prostrations and at the end of the prayer? Must one only make Qur’anic supplications?

The sitting between the two prostrations

Placing forehead on ground in sujud

Is It Permissible To Make Sujood With a Face Mask On?

Is Bending Or Kneeling In Front Of Another Person Considered Prostration To Other Than Allah?

Where Do I look During Prostration?

What Is the Nature Of the Prophet’s Intercession?

Is the Prostration Of Forgetfulness Necessary If the Imam Is Reminded?

How Does One Perform Ruku’?

How Do I Perform the Prostration Of the Prayer If It Causes Me Great Pain?