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Answers with Tag: private parts

When does ghusl become obligatory or obligatory on females?

Is sexual intercourse during fasting permissible?

Is ghusl required if wife experiences intense pleasure without physical contact or wetness?

Prevent madhi during namaz to avoid wudhu break and qaza?

What about naked bathing, kid’s age limit, women’s ghusl, and ghusl with istinja in bathroom?

Did sex during Ramadan break fast? Kaffarah needed?

What do the meanings of these dreams mean to you?

Can one repeat intercourse w/o ablution/bath & if so, what must be done?

Did we sin by making love when my wife’s period was delayed and we felt some blood afterwards?

Does sucking breast/penis break Ramadan fast & require qaza/Kaffarah if no semen discharge?

What is coming out of my vagina after sex?

What does Shariah say about male grooming of private parts?

Is my wudhu & salah valid if I use dry tissue to clean my private parts after istinja?

My Friend’s Husband Walks Around in Pyjamas. What Can She Do?

Is It Permissible to Have Someone Else Wax Your Body? (Shafi’i)