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Answers with Tag: Pregnancy

Wazifa for safe pregnancy

Sihr and black magic

Having sexual relations with one’s wife during pregnancy

Istidah or Postnatal Bleeding after Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment: To Pray or Not?

Is a Talaq via WhatsApp Valid?

What are the Islamic guidelines regarding contraception?

What is the Arabic and English version of any dua or taweez to have a boy child during or before pregnancy in Islam?

Are there any special prayers or dua’s for couples during pregnancy that will help them have a healthy baby boy?

How to make up missed qaza fasts from pregnancy/lactation & ensure accepted Ramadan fasts this year?

Is it legal to have an abortion in our condition?

Abort or carry pregnancy despite complications?

Is there any wazifah to be read during pregnancy for a baby boy?

Can we abort a pregnancy that is only 40-50 days into our marriage, despite taking precautions?

Can a man talaq his pregnant wife and take her back before iddah ends?

We have no external help to raise our kids. Can we do contraceptive operation?