Home » Posts tagged 'prayers' (Page 62)

Answers with Tag: prayers

Voiding Misconception Promises Made to Allah: Can They Be Undone?

Missing salaah due to being very tired

Imaam reciting qunoot after rukoo in fajr salaah

Special ibaadah and fasting on Miraaj

Washing dried semen

Correct Way of Tasleem in Namaz: Understanding the Validity of Different Imam Practices

Manager not permitting worker to go for Jumuah Salaah

How to distribute fidyah money?

Combining Prayers: Permissible or Not?

Sick person making tayammum

End of Period Confusion

Performing salaah in a plane

Illegally obtaining a certificate to get a job

Experiencing signs of haidh without seeing blood

Should a person make sajda-e-sahw when repeating a salaah?