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Answers with Tag: picture

Is it permissible to send a photo of a bride to the groom?

Can a revert go back to her former husband

Can one work as an actuary and is it permissible to work in an insurance company?

I can’t stop thinking about her. Sometimes I feel really happy about marrying her and feel like it would be a good idea. But then later on I feel the opposite feelings and somewhat hate her

Shias and Hadhrat Muawiyah Radhiyallahu Anhu

Web Designing Job

Is it allowed to be a Photographer?

Are the following scenarios considered Gheebah?

Digital Images

Furniture with Animate Pictures

Children watching ‘Islamic’ Cartoons

Conventional provident/pension funds are impermissible

Ruling on carrying bank notes with pictures?

Retweeting: What is the Shari’ah perspective?

Is it halal to earn money from Youtube?