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Answers with Tag: Nafs

What are valid conditions for a man to not speak with a woman?

Is it permissible to interact with women at work places?

Should I continue my habit of reciting the following mamoolat?

Can I work with females?

Does a wet dream invalidate the fast?

Breaking Fast through Masturbation

Zakat on Gold Jewellery

Does Hurmate Musaharah take place because of two sisters?

The best deeds according to ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz (rahimahullah)

What is riya and can you please advise how to fix it?

As muslims we are supposed to love Prophet Muhammed salallahu alayhi wasallam and yet our heart should only be devoted to Allah. How?

How does one make niyah for I’tikaf? What wordings can I use?

Dream Interpretation

The intelligent one is he who subjugates his nafs and carries out deeds which will benefit him after death

Raising the finger when making istighfar