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Answers with Tag: Nafs

What is the position of Sufism/Tasawwuf in Islam?

Can women show their hair and forearms to other women at weddings, regardless of religion?

Should I continue seeing a married man who wants a future with me?

What should you do if you earn a lot of money but don’t share it with the needy?

What should I do about someone questioning the purpose of wearing a veil?

What are the harms of fizzy drinks and how can I motivate myself to stop drinking them?

Should I end my life or return to abusive family in Pakistan who denied me inheritance?

Is “Reliance of the Traveller” reliable?

Am I at sin for pushing my parents to sell their house?

Can I pray for a non- muslim girl for guidance?

What is the difference between “Nūr” and “Dhiyā”?

Is tasawwuf a bid’ah?

Am I being affected by wasāwis or do I have ikhlās in the good deeds I perform?

If Allah warns us against Satān, then why doesn’t he destroy him?

Is it permissible to use immoral language for nafs and shaytān ?