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Answers with Tag: nafl

Please can you tell if when doing nafl fasts you can keep them for more than one intention. for example if i am replacing my fasts that I have missed from the last ramzaan can I

Is it compulsory to recite another surah after surah al-Fatiha during a voluntory(nafilah) prayer

If someone pray eid salt in london and than left for pakistan and the next day eid in pakistan so he have to eid salt in pakistan again and what about qurbani shall he have to do qurbani in london or Pakistan

I wanted to know that if a person prays to ALLAH ALMIGHTY for some of his work which he wants to be done by the grace of ALLAH ALMIGHTY and he commits that if the work is done for him he will say certain big no.

I heared that a unmarried person who comitted the sin of zinah has to perform or offer the kaffarah for it otherwise his nikah will not be valid with some other person. So can you..

You stated..”Sometimes perform salaah together with your husband and children so that they learn how to perform salaah and at the same time it brings your family closer together. ” Can you please explain me its for Nafil Salah and make Jamat or pray separetly.

I have been specking to some salafi brothers lately we were discussing the topic of iman. my question is: is iman with action and belief or just to believe and what do the hanafi school say? e.g. if i commit an act of kufr and die am i a disbeliever or a sinner?

This humble servant would like to ask a question on behalf of a muslim brother. He works in an engineering firm and has been greatly responsible for bringing in business for his employer.

Please help me to take the right decision no matter how difficult it will be.I will do anything to seek mercy from Allah swt inshallah.

Can we make 3 niyat in a nafil salath…like for example can i do niyat of salathul hajjath,salathul tauba,salathul shukrana in 2 rakath nafil.

Can the fast of 15th of Sha’ban also be intended to make up for the fast of Ramadan one missed

Do the Ulama of ur Madrissah agree with the Islamic-Banking Plan of Mufti Taqi Usmani? I saw the Majlis-ul-Ulama refuting the latter…

I want to know, if I missed my Fajir prayer, and later in the morning I noticed the starting of my periods, is that fajir prayer ‘qaza’? Do I have to repeat it? THirdly, if we pray in the car, is it better to repeat the prayer at home?

If i have missed Fajar with jamaat. what should be the priority to offer namaz -e-Fajar? In Makrroh timmings (that is just after the real time of Fajr) or after that time (when tha namaaz totaly called as QAZA. can you please tell me abouth tese timming in details

Recently I saw a response on your website indicating that we should not ask from Allah(swt) against something like making a dua that if my so and so request is fullfilled I’ll give charity.