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Answers with Tag: marriage partner

Can a Muslim Woman Marry a Non-Muslim Man if Their Children Are Raised as Muslims?

I wish to marry a certain girl , is there any special recitaion of suret’ for that aur or the same as you have stated in your articles before (500 Duruds)…

One of my brothers, had a dream in which he saw that I was getting married and he mentioned that it was a serious dream n very clear.

My question is..should the marriagebe tried to salvaged or should the family let him go ahead with the divorce.

Is it permissible to break the nikah before rukhsati

About your answer:

Is it allowed in Islam to do the following: 1) Engagement (betrothal) 2) To feel weak for someone of opposite sex 3) Bankers daughter

I am a young woman frequently overwhelmed by sexual desires. I try fasting, but it doesn’t seem to help. At times I even resort to masturbation. Unfortunately I don’t know any Muslim men to marry.

My future wife goes out alone with other boys should I pull out?

Please tell me if my brother is allowed to find a wife over the internet.

Many timees I had a phsysical relationship with a Girl & was guilty of it, asked for repentence but still I am continuing the same.

The word “fesabillilah”?Is it permissible to go out in jamaat and label it as “fesabillilah”

It is said that reciting Surah Al Rahman 11 times for 11 days fulfills ones needs. Is this true. ?

What should I do? Should I persue her?

Marriage what shall i do…been wanting to marry a man of my own choice and we have done the right thing by telling our families and now they are about to give us a decision