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Answers with Tag: Imam Shafi

If Ibn Hajar Asqalani (among others) approved off the mawlid celebration, how can anyone in later times say it is impermissible? Was Ibn Hajar simply wrong?

Is Jumping in a Circle During Zikr Halal or Bid’ah?

Meaning of a Durood

A few janaazah related questions

Are the voices of women part of the pardha

What is the status of circumcision in Islam

Saying if I marry then she is divorced

The “Old” and “New” Schools of Imam al-Shafi’i

If someone says, “I was doing the acts of the mushrikeen – being a mushrik,” and he means what people wrongly believe to be “shirk”, is that statement kufr?

Hadith being Weak according to some and Authentic according to others

Shar’i Length of Beard

Musnad of Imam Abu Hanifah (R.H.)

The Term “Imam”

Question on Calamari

Questions on Taqleed, etc