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Answers with Tag: Imam Abu Hanifa

Asalamoalikum, Mufti Sahab, I would like to ask that as a Muslim we have four Imams Abu-Hanifa (Rh The great) Malik (rh) Shafee (rh) and Ahmed Hanbal (rh).

Dua after Prayer

Salam Alaikum, what is the difference between Salaat Tahajjud and Salaat lail and Salaat witr?

Mufti Shab Salam

Is it permissible for a non muslim woman to read the Holy Quran in bed while lying down (for the sake of gaining knowledge of Islam)?

Do you have to raise your hand up to the level of your shoulders when you bow down for ruku and when you rise from ruku.

Clarification on your Answer to question 1870

40 Ahadith of Imaam an-Nawawi (RA) said to recite the surah fateha silently. what explanation has Imaam abu Haneefa (RA) has given in this regard?

Is it permissible to pray behind: 1 Barelvi imam 2. Ihl-e-hadith imam?

Is it permissible to pray behind: 1 Barelvi imam 2. Ihl-e-hadith imam? Brelvi imams are the ones who usually have several conflicts with ihl-e-sunnah wala jamat’s aqaid

Some Ulama claim that it is permissible to build upon graves. What do the Sunni Hanafi & other fuqahaa ( shafi, maliki, hanbali ) say about this issue. Shouldn’t the graves be levelled ?

When can a person combine 2 salaats. I was at a course with people from Saudi Arabia & performed both their Zuhr and Asr salaat during the lunch break.

Upon a death of a non-Muslim, is there any hope of them of ever reaching heaven?

Mufti Saheb can you please tell me whether Imam Abu Hanifa’s ruling on the beard is that, it only becomes haraam (sinful) for shaving the beard if you made the intention to keep it.

What will happen to the people who never heard of Islam, in the aakhira (hereafter)?