Home » Posts tagged 'Imam Abu Hanifa' (Page 20)

Answers with Tag: Imam Abu Hanifa

Can I Pray Asr Early, In Congregation?

Some Fiqh of Speech: Mentioning Another Negatively Thinking the Listener Does Not Know Them

The Early Asr Time and Hanafis

Didn’t Imam Muhammad, the Student of Imam Abu Hanifa, Say We Can Recite Behind the Imam?

Is it allowed in Islam for a woman to add to her hair the hair of some one else?

If there’s one main jamah followed by the other, are both equal in reward?

Commanding the Good & Forbidding the Evil, And The Honor of Scholars

Commenting On Some Arguments For Reciting Behind The Imam

Freezing breast milk to establish nursing relationships

Fiqh vs Hadith: Understanding the statement, (If the hadith is sound, it is my madhhab.)

Taking interest in non-Muslim lands? 

Time for Asr 

Daily Khatma- Recitation of the Qur’an in one night

Ingredients in Chips

Using Unlawful Medication